

New Year’s resolutions are notorious for being abandoned a few weeks into the new year. But they can still be useful. This New Year’s, why not take some time to figure out what you can do to help improve your chances of landing a job in the new year?

Here are 3 New Year’s resolutions to help you with your job search in 2018.


Anyone who has spent months looking for a job knows how stressful it can be. Scrambling to find your resume, applying for jobs, waiting to hear back from employers and preparing for interviews can all be nerve-wracking. One of the best ways to make your job search more manageable is to get organized.

Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) goals

  • Take some time to get your resume in order
  • Research the job opportunities in your area
  • Practice answering interview questions

If you’re able to set clearer job search objectives for yourself and if you can prepare as much as possible in advance, you’ll be able to relax a lot more while you’re looking for your next job.



According to careerarc.com, 91% of employers use social media and professional networks to recruit and hire employees. If you aren’t currently using social media as part of your job search, now is the time to start.

Social media and the web are full of free resources to help job seekers connect with employers and other job seekers. Create a LinkedIn profile, set up job alerts on popular job boards like Indeed and Monster or research prospective employers on Glassdoor.com.

While you’re thinking about making new strides into social media, don’t forget about traditional forms of networking too. The holidays are a great time to catch up with people you haven’t seen in a while–and some of them may know about job opportunities or be able to share some advice with you.



Whether you’re looking for work or just trying to improve your position at your current job, developing your skills is a great way to make sure you’re a competitive candidate.

Consider returning to school for night classes, taking an online tutorial, signing up for a workshop or even volunteering. Building up your resume with new certifications and skills is a great way to signal to employers that you’re motivated. The instant gratification of learning how to do something that you, hopefully, find interesting is also one of the best ways to make sure that this is a resolution that sticks.

Looking for help with your job search in the new year? Get in touch with us today.